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Web Hosting in Pakistan

we are provide web development, domain registration and web hosting services at cheap price.


High Speed Network Designed for Pakistan

Our Specialized Network has been designed in order to give your website lightning fast speed, especially when accessing from Pakistan. As we realize your clients, and we will give them a Good Image about your company through the very first step. In order We have connected through many Gigabyte Fiber-optic backbones, and will ensure not only continuous reliability, but speed as well. Top of the line servers, with moderate number of websites are also the keys of our speed delivering services.
Your Business will Empowered with Stability and Speed.


99.9% Uptime for all of our Servers.

Your website needs to be accessible for the visitors in order to generate sales. For this reason eHosting offers 99.9% uptime guarantee. It means that your website will be up and running at least 99.9% of the time during any 12-month period. This guarantee includes network uptime, server uptime, web server and service uptime. Our uptime is independently monitored 24 hours a day by third party companies. This way you can any time check out the uptime stats to make sure that your website is up most of the time. 99.9% uptime guarantee is included in all web hosting plans.

Tags: web hosting, web hosting in pakistan,


DHA, Karachi

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